Exciting Update

Greetings everybody. I apologize that I haven’t updated my blog in a while. Fortunately, I have a very good reason to do so now. Keep reading and I think you’ll agree.

Like most authors, I have a routine I go through each afternoon when I’m done writing. I check my email, look at sales results, read through any new reviews on Amazon, then sign into my social media accounts to make posts and see if anyone reached out to me. Well, I was doing that one day last month and discovered something I never would’ve expected. It was so shocking that at first I thought it was a hoax.

What was it that gave me such a reaction? A lady had contacted me via one of my social media accounts, asking if I had a representative she should contact regarding movie rights for The Signal. As noted above, I initially wondered if it was even a serious request. After all, this is not the kind of thing you read every day. But later that afternoon, after a little research by one of my family members, I realized that this person was indeed involved with a film production company in Beverly Hills. I also realized this was a very serious request. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed!

So, what does this mean? Well, I informed this person that the rights to The Signal had not been sold, so she told me that her team will begin reading the book to see if it’s suitable for adaptation. If so, then we’ll begin discussions on selling the rights. If not, I can at least have the satisfaction of knowing my book generated this kind of interest.

So, what if the rights are sold? Unfortunately, even if that happens it wouldn’t necessarily mean that The Signal will one day come to a theater near you. My limited research indicates that most optioned books don’t ever get filmed.

But we can always dream, can’t we? I must confess I’ve already run through some of the actors and actresses who could play the parts of Zane, Carmen, the Oracle, and others. I’ve also played out some of the scenes in my mind, imagining how they’d look on the big screen.

Then my sober side tells me to get back to work on my third book. After all, that’s what pays the bills!

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Ingrid Sneedon
Ingrid Sneedon
8 years ago

John I couldn’t be more thrilled for you, it is an exciting thought to have your
novel turned into a movie.I certainly wish you everything of the best, hopefully
it will materialize. Take care and may you continue to be inspired.Best wishes for continued success.

Tammy Hall
Tammy Hall
8 years ago

Fabulous! That’s really great, John.

I’d go see the movie :)

Fatima Roma
Fatima Roma
8 years ago

How exciting, John. Even if nothing happens, just to be asked is a reason to be excited. Who is to know: maybe it will become true. I better finish reading it. Remenber me when you are rich and famous ?. God’s blessings to you! ?

Dean Lang
Dean Lang
8 years ago

Congratulations John! That was exciting to read. Wishing you all the best!
~ Dean

Larry Sneeden
Larry Sneeden
8 years ago

Congratulations John, that is terrific news. If you need an agent, I haven’t actually closed a film rights deal but did stay at a Holiday Inn Express!

Edith Sneeden
Edith Sneeden
8 years ago

I always thought I’d be a great Hollywood actress. I see now it might be in your movie :p

8 years ago

Bravo Sneeden!!
I’ve totally seen your books come to life…in my mind.


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