

The Ezekiel Code Excerpt

CHAPTER ONE Chantilly, France Anya Sokolov lay perfectly still on the bed, her eyes wide open. The room was mostly dark save for several slivers of moonlight coming through the closed blinds of a nearby window. Ordinarily, such conditions would be the perfect inducement to sleep. But Anya wasn’t trying to drift off, at least not yet. She had plans…

Retribution Excerpt

CHAPTER ONE Harpers Ferry, West Virginia The man dropped onto his stomach and slithered onto the granite ledge, careful to stay beneath the overhanging limb of a thick fir tree. Even though he was several hundred yards from the cabin, he didn’t want to expose himself too much. His target was the kind of person who was always aware of…

The Chamber Excerpt

CHAPTER ONE Alexandria, Virginia ZANE WATSON OPENED his eyes to complete darkness. The room was silent save for the gentle whistle of air-conditioning blowing through a nearby vent. He moved his fingers a few times to confirm he was truly awake. His dream had been so vivid he thought he might still be in it. Lifting his head, he looked…

The Island Excerpt

CHAPTER ONE Terre-de-Haut, Guadeloupe VICTOR COUDRIER WALKED briskly down the dark beach. Sweat covered his upper body, causing his T-shirt to cling to his torso. He always perspired when he was nervous, and tonight he was as nervous as he’d ever been. Hearing voices ahead, he came to a stop. Two silhouettes walked toward him, and his pulse quickened in…

Death List Excerpt

CHAPTER ONE March 1, 2042, 11:17 P.M. Tyson’s Corner, Virginia NICK YEAGER STEPPED silently onto the rooftop and closed the door behind him. A flag flapped loudly across the street, caught by the brisk night wind. Despite the relatively clear skies, he could tell a storm was on the way. A big one, he guessed. He remained in the doorway’s…


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