Excerpt from The Portal

CHAPTER 1 Taipei City, Taiwan They say the most critical battles of espionage are won through attention to detail. David Parsons didn’t know who they were, but he’d learned the hard way they were right. In a subsequent debrief of the evening’s events, he would confess to a number of sins, but one in particular proved to be the most…

Coming Soon: The Portal

The stunning follow-up to the bestselling novel The Signal. While recording sound waves across the universe, NASA makes an astonishing discovery close to home. A strange audio transmission is detected in a remote region of northern Brazil. The transmission has no known source, and the signature has only been recorded on two other occasions: once from inside the Andromeda Galaxy.…

My Third Novel is Officially Underway

I'm not in the least bit ashamed to say that I took a few days off after sending The Portal to my editor. I had been burning the midnight oil in order to finish the manuscript, so it was good to get some rest and relaxation. I was amazed at how quickly I was able to clear the cobwebs and recharge…


I'm a huge fan of the writing software Scrivener. It was a bit difficult to get my arms around at first, but once I was able to master the basics it has revolutionized the way I write. You can create scenes, click and drag those scenes to different places within the story, keep research notes close at hand, and so…

New Title Announcement

As most of you already know, I'm currently writing the sequel to my debut novel, The Signal. I've made good progress recently, and I feel that without a doubt it is my best work to date. There are twists, turns, and a lot of surprises. Since publication is not far off, I'd like to announce that the working title of my new…


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